2 ND SEMESTER WELCOME ADRESS Olaitan Good Day like minds, I would be very brief with this because I believe we have a lot to do with very little time and more so in consideration of how so well some of us need use of this time. I hope you had a relaxing, restful and fruitful break, because you deserve it. Faculty of Law Lagos State University Well, my past 3years at the faculty has made me accept against my will that the legal profession has become more complex than we hoped for, especially when you have to work and walk with persons of diverse orientations and way of life and more disheartening with lecturers of diverse beliefs, demands and perspective of you as an individual or as a class. I hope we have not quickly forgotten the contributions of these persons in our lives over the last few months and years? Yet so bad, some of these persons have chosen to be rigid, unapologetic, envious, ante-innovative, religiously blinded and intellectually old fas...