Good day partners! We had a beautiful week which was capped with a wonderful chamber meeting in the early hours of Friday (29-01-2016). The attendance was awesome (we hope to improve on that though). Every presentation was a hit back to back, from the Opening prayer to the the Minute reading, from the Introduction of executives to the Lecture/Charge segment, from the Discussion segments to the Collection of dues, from the A.O.B to the Recognition of new members, from the Adjournment of meeting to the Closing prayers. Topic for discussion segment was "DEATH PENALTY A PANACEA FOR CRIME, CORRUPTION, AND TERRORISM IN NIGERIA". Lovely contributions from different angles and our 100 level partners added life to it all with different scholarly submissions. It was a meeting to remember. EQUITARIANS OF THE WEEK Here is the beautiful Face of Equity for the week NAME: Nwauzoma Felicity Onyekachi LEVEL: 100 level HOBBIES: cooking and reading L...